3 large, free range, organic eggs
3 rashers of bacon
1 large tomato
2 tbsp cold water
1 tbsp fresh breadcrumbs
2oz cheddar cheese
2 large basil leaves
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Crack the eggs in to a bowl and add the water. Beat thoroughly with a fork or whisk then add the breadcrumbs and seasoning and stir well.
Roughly chop the bacon and add it to a dry, non-stick frying pan. Bring gently up to a heat and the melting fat from the bacon will eliminate any need for such as butter or oil. Fry the bacon gently until cooked, then add the de-seeded and roughly chopped tomato. Fry for another minute or two until the tomato is cooked.
Spread the bacon and tomato as evenly as you can over the bottom of the pan and gently pour over the egg mix. Put your grill on to pre-heat to maximum and gently cook the omelette on a medium heat (still on the stove or hob at this stage) until you can see that it is almost fully set.
Tear the basil leaves in to small pieces and scatter over the almost set omelette before placing the pan under your hot grill. Grate or shred your cheese.
When the omelette is set and has risen slightly due to the yeast in the breadcrumbs, scatter the cheese over the top and place back under the grill just long enough until the cheese is melted.